When: Sunday, June 23, 7:30am – 3:00pm
Where: Wilson Park, 2900 Benton Street, Granite CIty, IL 62040 GoogleBingMapQuest
Please join Cycle St. Louis for this popular  and FREE Trailnet ride, which has been designed for all ages and abilities because it includes:
  • A variety of distances but go any distance you want and turnaround at anytime (last year, some cyclists rode less than a mile on the bridge and had a great time).
  • Terrain that is paved and generally flat, with no big hills
  • Fun activities for everyone after, including live music, cake and ice cream, beer and burgers/brats from the grill

For more information and to register, click here. For the FREE discount code for people with disabilities and their assistants, please send an email to Cycle St. Louis, cyclestlpartnership@gmail.com.